dag van het laatste oordeel - translation to Αγγλικά
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dag van het laatste oordeel - translation to Αγγλικά

Het laatste Nieuws; Hln.be; HLN.be; Het laatste nieuws
  • Front page of the Flemish newspaper "Het Laatste Nieuws" 20 April 1943
  • VFront page of Flemish newspaper "Het Laatste Nieuws" of September 5 1944. With headline: Long live Belgium !, Long live The King !, Long live Freedom! in honor of the liberation of Belgium.

dag van het laatste oordeel      
Dag Hammarskjold         
  • The Dag Hammarskjöld centre in Uppsala
  • UN headquarters]] in [[New York City]], 1953
  • da}}
  • A spiritual quote by Dag Hammarskjöld engraved in the stone wall within the Peace Chapel of the [[International Peace Garden]].
  • Hammarskjöld's grave in [[Uppsala]]
  • Memorial at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City
  • UN flag at half-mast
  • Hammarskjöld's birthplace in [[Jönköping]].
Dag Hammarskjold; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld; Dag Hammerskjold; Dag Hammerskjöld; Dag hammarsköld; Dag hammarskoeld; Dag Hammerskjoeld; Dag hammarskold; Dag Hammarskjoeld; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjoeld; Dag (Hjalmar Agne Carl) Hammarskjold; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammerskjold; Death of Dag Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjold, (1905-1961) Zweedse econoom en diplomaat, Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties (1953-1961)
van Gogh         
  • Visitors viewing Van Gogh's ''[[The Starry Night]]'' in New York's [[Museum of Modern Art]]
  • alt=Photo of a two-storey brick house on the left partially obscured by trees with a front lawn and with a row of trees on the right
  • ''Portrait of Félix Rey'', January 1889, [[Pushkin Museum]]; note written by Dr Rey for novelist [[Irving Stone]] with sketches of the damage to van Gogh's ear
  • alt=Two graves and two gravestones side by side; heading behind a bed of green leaves, bearing the remains of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh, where they lie in the cemetery of Auvers-sur-Oise. The stone to the left bears the inscription: ''Ici Repose Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)'' and the stone to the right reads: ''Ici Repose Theodore van Gogh (1857–1891)''
  • alt=Black and white formal head shot photo of a young woman, with an easy expression and slight smile
  • alt=A young woman facing left sits with a child to her right
  • alt=photograph of a partial 19th-century newspaper story about a self-mutilation
  • alt=A seated red-bearded man wearing a brown coat, facing to the left, with a paintbrush in his right hand, is painting a picture of large sunflowers.
  • ''Self-Portrait'', September 1889. [[Musée d'Orsay]]
  • ''[[The Starry Night]]'', June 1889. [[Museum of Modern Art]], New York
  • alt=Photograph of a 19th-century newspaper announcement of someone's death
  • alt=A man wearing a straw hat, carrying a canvas and paintbox, walking to the left, down a tree-lined, leaf-strewn country road
  • alt=A view from a window of pale red rooftops. A bird flies in the blue sky; in the near distance there are fields and to the right, the town and other buildings can be seen. On the distant horizon are chimneys.
  • alt=A well-dressed woman sits facing to her right (the viewer's left). She has two books on her lap, and is dressed in dark clothes vividly contrasted against a yellow background.
  • alt=A squarish painting of a closeup of two women with one holding an umbrella while the other woman holds flowers. Behind them is a young woman who is picking flowers in a large bed of wildflowers. They appear to be walking through a garden on a winding path at the edge of a river.
  • alt=A ceramic vase with sunflowers on a yellow surface against a bright yellow background.
  • alt= A painting of a large cypress tree, on the side of a road, with two people walking, a wagon and horse behind them, and a green house in the background, under an intense starry sky.
  • alt= A view of a dark starry night with bright stars shining over the River Rhone. Across the river distant buildings with bright lights shining are reflected into the dark waters of the Rhone.
  • alt=A ceramic vase with sunflowers on a yellow surface against a bright yellow background.
  • ''[[The Church at Auvers]]'', 1890. Musée d'Orsay, Paris
  • alt=A large house under a blue sky
  • ''[[Tree Roots]]'', July 1890, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
  • alt= An expansive painting of a wheatfield, with green hills through the centre underneath dark and forbidding skies.
  • alt= An expansive painting of a wheatfield, with a footpath going through the centre underneath dark and forbidding skies, through which a flock of black crows fly.
  • The Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
  • ''[[White House at Night]]'', 1890. [[Hermitage Museum]], St Petersburg, painted six weeks before the artist's death
Van Gogh; Vincent Willem van Gogh; Vincent Willem Van Gogh; Vincent VanGogh; Vincent Van gough; Van Gough; Vincent Van Goth; Vincent Van Gough; Van goh; Vangogh; Van Goh; Van go; Van Goth; Vincent Van Gogh; Vincent van gogh; Vince Van Gogh; Vince van Gogh; Vincent van Gogh's ear; Van Gogh's ear; Willem van Gogh; Gabrielle Berlatier; Ear of Vincent van Gogh; Van gogh
Van-Gogh (hollands schilder)


·noun A misty shower; dew.
II. Dag ·noun A dagger; a poniard.
III. Dag ·vt To daggle or bemire.
IV. Dag ·noun A large pistol formerly used.
V. Dag ·noun A loose end; a dangling shred.
VI. Dag ·noun The unbranched antler of a young deer.
VII. Dag ·vi To be misty; to Drizzle.
VIII. Dag ·vt To cut into jags or points; to Slash; as, to dag a garment.


Het Laatste Nieuws

Het Laatste Nieuws (Dutch pronunciation: [ət ˌlaːtstə ˈnius]; in English The Latest News) is a Dutch-language newspaper based in Antwerp, Belgium. It was founded by Julius Hoste Sr. on 7 June 1888. It is now part of DPG Media, and is the most popular newspaper in Flanders and Belgium.